
nonnie avatar image
nonnie asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Queue model if there is a decision

Hi everyone, I want to create a queue model in a coffee shop using 2 cashiers and 1 place for customers to wait for their orders to be made by the barista if the customer wants to eat in. The problem I am currently facing is that I cannot make customers who want to eat in from cashier 1 or 2 to wait in the waiting room and I also cannot make customers who want to take away to immediately exit this queue system. Do I need to use a decision for this problem so that I can make a customer decision if they eat in or take away? Or is there another way that I don't know?

This is the model that I made, and I don't know how to model this system.

I am not very good at using Flexsim, so can anyone help me solve this problem? I really need help in solving this problem. Please help and thank you

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

There is no model attached to your question but it sounds like you are using the HC/People environment to model this (?)
Yes, you would use a Decide activity to send the tokens to separate paths in your logic depending on their "type". The type would be denoted by a label that you add to the customers when creating them.

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nonnie avatar image nonnie commented ·

No, I'm not using Flexsim HC. This is a picture of my model, sorry I forgot to attach my model. I want to create a model from cashier 1 or cashier 2 there is a queue decision to wait for the next process to the waiting room or immediately finish in the systemflexsim.jpeg

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann nonnie commented ·
Connect the cashier processors to both the waiting room queue as well as the sink. Then use the "Port By Case" option in the "Send to Port" field of the cashiers to send the item to either depending on a label value (or other property of the item).
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nonnie avatar image nonnie Felix Möhlmann commented ·

I have tried but still can't, is there a mistake in the model I made? or what? I don't really understand. Please help meflexsim-2.png

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flexsim-2.png (194.3 KiB)
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