
Ilenia avatar image
Ilenia asked Ilenia commented

How can I link a task executer to an object?

Hello everyone!

I need to simulate different AMRs that pick up a single box each one, take it to different processors, and keep the same box until the end. However, each processor has an input queue with a maximum of 10 boxes, and I would like the AMR not to unload the box but to stay there until it is its turn at the processor. How can I achieve this? Alternatively, can I use something other than a queue as a waiting area for 10 boxes along with their respective AMRs? Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 24.2.1
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Ilenia commented

Let the AMR pick up a box and let it drive to a control point on an accumulation path (so using the AGV path system). When it arrives at the control point use an event triggered source to start the process time and when the process time is finished send he AMR on to the next processor/control point. If the max allocations it set to 10 no more then 10 AMRs at the same time can travel towards that control point. If you have to control earlier in the process that only 10 can move there you can take a look at a zone or use a resource or list to have 10 positions available where you have to pull one.
This is all under the assumption that you are familiar with process flow because without it this is all quite complex

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Ilenia avatar image Ilenia commented ·

Thank you, I am not so familiar but I will try!

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Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen Ilenia commented ·

If you start trying the familiarity will come automatically ;-) !

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Ilenia avatar image Ilenia Steven Hamoen commented ·

Hi Steven, I'm trying to do as you suggested, but I got lost. If I use AGV paths, the routes become fixed, right? I would like them to be free since they are AMRs. Also, to tell the AMR to stop and not leave, which function can I use? Wait for an event? Thanks in advance!

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