
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Alexander Swinarew answered

Calculated table bug when adding tables


When you make a model, add the experimenter, but don't run it (Or rename your model such that the database is invalid) and then try to add a table to a calculated table you get an exception.

So I press on this button in the calculated table:
This leads to the following exception:

exception: FlexScript exception: VIEW:/active/QueryBuilderProperties1803507080/tabcontrol/TablesMetrics/TableMetricSplitter/TablesPanel/TablesGroupBox/TableList/Add>eventfunctions/OnPress c: VIEW:/active/QueryBuilderProperties1803507080/tabcontrol/TablesMetrics/TableMetricSplitter/TablesPanel/TablesGroupBox/TableList/Add

Where it seems to go wrong on line 106 in the code of the OnPress:

Below is the sample model I used.





FlexSim 24.0.1
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1708934955017.png (17.4 KiB)
expermodel.fsm (82.8 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Laxmi commented

Hello @Patrick Zweekhorst,

I will email this into the development team

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Laxmi avatar image Laxmi commented ·
@Jeanette F Was this ever resolved? Because I am facing the same issue where I am not able to add a stats collector table from the "Tables" add option.
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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Laxmi commented ·
This appears to be resolved in versions 24.1 and 24.2. However, it doesn't seem to be resolved on version 24.0. I'll add the earlier version to the dev list.
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Laxmi avatar image Laxmi Jordan Johnson ♦♦ commented ·
@Jordan Johnson Thanks for your response!
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Alexander Swinarew avatar image
Alexander Swinarew answered

I had the same issue with 24.0.x and I could resolve it by running a short experiment in the experimenter and, thus, creating a sqlite file. After having done that, I was able to create calc tables without any errors.

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