
tristan-dionis avatar image
tristan-dionis asked tristan-dionis commented

how to wait until the processor has finished the pallet before combining?

Hello, I had programmed the reloading of a pallet following a passage through a processor with a scrap rate. Delivery on pallets is done by queue to a combiner (with a code to have a variable number of product) but the pallet arrives earlier on the combiner. The combiner loads the products present in the queue but there is always a product in the processor so the pallet leaves without it and therefore the product ends up on the next pallet.


How can I ensure that the loading on the pallet only happens once the processor has finished all the products on the pallet?

Thanks in advance.


2.12,12_Modèle frigo_gestion palette_ Finishingline1PN.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
combinercodeproduction line
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered tristan-dionis commented

I'd use a small Process Flow. The separator is set to not release the pallet on its own (return -1 as port for the container). Instead, when its content drops to 1 (only the pallet is left), a token is created in an Event-Triggered Source. This token then waits until the last item has exited the processor, then releases the pallet to the combiner.


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Thank you it's perfect !

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