
Gui Vaccaro avatar image
Gui Vaccaro asked Jacob W2 commented

Customize scale of charts in experimenter


is there a way to customize x or y scales in the charts produced by the experimenter (view results)? When one has to compare results coming from different models / experimenters, keeping the same scale on charts and reports helps to convey results to customers.

If this feature is available, would you please give me directions? I could not find it in the documentation.

Thank you.

FlexSim 25.0.2
experimenterchartsscaleview results
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Jacob W2 commented

Hi @Gui Vaccaro,

The charts in the experimenter use the same settings of the chart in the model. For example, if you use a time plot graph, you can set a custom y axis, that when you run the experiment again, should be applied to the charts in the experimenter results.

Otherwise, it may be best to use the scenario charts when comparing data from different scenarios. This allows you to view data between the scenarios on the same axes, but you may still need to specify the time plot's y axis specifically.

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