
Dillan J avatar image
Dillan J asked Dillan J commented

Force processor to use operator that delivered item

My model has multiple processors and combiners. all items are moved by multiple operators controlled by dispatcher using "shortest distance if available". however i continually have an issue where one operator will deliver the item to the processor and the other operator will walk over to handle the setup and processing. is there a way to call the operator that brought the item to the input?

FlexSim 21.1.5
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Dillan J commented

Hi @Dillan J,

One way to do this would be to use process flow to create the task sequence that would include picking up the item and then unloading it at the processor and staying to process the part. Another method would be to create a label on the item being loaded that references the operator that picked up the item, and then on the processor use that label as the operator reference in the operator field.

The attached model demonstrates the label method. A trigger is set on the operators that will create a label called "Operator" on the item that the operator loads. The processor then reads that label to find the correct operator to use when it needs to process. screenshot-2025-03-11-113942.png

Use same operator.fsm

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