
mikechaint avatar image
mikechaint asked mikechaint answered

Transport four coils of same type once the specific type reach four on the rack.

SImplified Model.fsm

I want to transport four coils of same type once the specific type reach four on the rack. It seems the first round is okay. But why the second round isn't working ? How shall I use the list in a correct way?

FlexSim 23.2.0
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CSN avatar image
CSN answered

It's better for you to use Insert at Front of to built an array and change the request number to 4.1742527233922.png

1742527233922.png (12.4 KiB)
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mikechaint avatar image
mikechaint answered

1742776252328.pngThanks! And choose "All or Nothing" in "Pull from list" would be better.

1742776252328.png (25.9 KiB)
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