
Joe Hugan avatar image
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Joe Hugan asked anthony.johnson edited

How do I access lane conveyors from merge controller

How do I reference the individual conveyor lanes that are being controlled by a merge controller so I can set different release criteria for each lane that changes as the model runs?

FlexSim 16.0.1
merge controllercustom release
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered anthony.johnson commented

Looks like that was an oversight.

Instead of accessing the conveyor objects, you could try storing relevant data on the merge controller itself, through something like a label table.

If you absolutely have to have access to the conveyor, you can get it with the command:

  1. ownerobject(tonode(getnodenum(rank(getvarnode(merge, "slugBuildLanes"), laneNum))))

Although I'm always hesitant to suggest digging into tree internals because it can cause compatibility issues if/when we change those tree internals. So, use at your own risk.

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