
Craig DIckson avatar image
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Craig DIckson asked Logan Gold edited

How can I use a relative path for Excel output?

I am using Excel for both input and output from my model (which is completely process flow).

When I use MTEI to read in my input table, I am able to use a relative path, e.g. " ..\Data\Inputs.xlsx". But for MTEE and custom output, it seems to insist on the full path. Am I missing something? Thx

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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Logan Gold edited

Relative paths do work for MTEE, as long as the exporter is set up correctly. However, for custom export when you call

  1. excelopen()

it needs the absolute path. If you want to use a relative path you can enter

  1. excelopen(concat(modeldir(), “..\\Data\\Inputs.xlsx”))

Notice that there are two backslashes before and after “Data”.

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