
Kari Payton avatar image
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Kari Payton asked Matt Long commented

Crane Task Sequence

How can I use a crane resource to perform a task sequence (loading and unloading) objects in process flow?


FlexSim 16.1.1
process flowtask sequencecranetravel to loc
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

The issue in your model is that your Load task is referencing Label: item but that item doesn't exist on your token. If you look at the error displayed, Involved1 is NULL. The documentation for the Task Type Load shows that Involved 1 should be a reference to the loaded item.

It's also important to understand that objects like the Crane and ASRS don't perform travel the same as the Operator or Transporter. All travel performed by the Crane is offset travel, meaning the Travel Task Sequence activity will have no affect. If you specifically want to control where the crane is moving (as opposed to using a Load task and allow the Crane to move in a direct line to pick up the item), then you need to use a Travel to Loc Task Sequence activity.

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