
Michael O'Connell avatar image
Michael O'Connell asked Adrian Haws edited

How can I get the TE associated with a network node?

I know that I can get the network node associated with a task executer with gettenetnode. Is there a command for getting the task executer associated with a network node?

FlexSim 16.1.1
network nodes
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

As far as I can tell, there is no command that references the TEs associated with a network node or network in general. However, in the triggers on network nodes there is often a variable to reference the triggering TE on the node simply referred to as "traveler." Of course you could always create a centerport connection from a network node to a particular Task Executer, and then you can reference it using the centerobject() command.

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Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered Adrian Haws edited

Hi Michael O'Connell,

Here is a user command by Jason.

treenode netnode=param(1);
int travellerindex=param(2);
return ownerobject(tonode(get(up(tonode(get(rank(getvarnode(netnode,"travellers"),travellerindex)))))));


Arun KR

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