Token gets created with Parts ( 10 to 100) and Unique Type ( 1 to 3 )
For example lets say token type 2 and Part 60 entered the subflow
the Run Subflow splits the token by parts
Then the Batch has to combine those 60 tokens into random 10 to 20 Batch of that type
and send the batch to its destination
What I am trying to do is
I have chute which will send 10 to 100 boxes with type 1,2 or 3
I want to palletize same type of boxes random ( each pallet will accept 10 to 20 boxes)
then send it to respective detination to be processed
Sometimes the batch waits until it gets more parts of that type. I want it to release the batch after 10 seconds. for example parts value was 10 and batch quantity value was 20. the batch will wait until it gets all 20 of that same type. I want the batch to wait for 10 seconds and release the batch with that 10 in the batch but it release all the tokens instead batching them
Please help
Attached is the model