
jing.c avatar image
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jing.c asked jing.c commented

Item merge immediately when it arrival the edge of conveyor

Hi, Everyone.

I try to use Conveyor Module to build a merge-conveyor system.

If the Power&Free conveyor has enough space for getting into, the item will be merged immediately to it instead of being wait at the edge of the conveyor.

You can see my sample model attached, I had set Ready Criteria to "Item Count 1". I think it should be a new Release Strategy, but I am not quite sure how to code it.

Any help will be appreciated.


FlexSim 16.0.4
conveyormerge controllerpower and free conveyor
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered jing.c commented

I'm a little unsure of what you're looking for, if you want the items to just merge onto the Power and Free conveyor when there's room, you can just remove the merge controller. The merge controller will help you build slugs and release them, but if you just want the items to enter whenever they arrive, you shouldn't need a merge controller.

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