Hello. I have two conveyors merge to one conveyor. one convey type1, the other convey type2. when the two conveyor merge, I want the two types of item to flow one at a time like type1, type2, type1, type2 .... How do I do that?
Hello. I have two conveyors merge to one conveyor. one convey type1, the other convey type2. when the two conveyor merge, I want the two types of item to flow one at a time like type1, type2, type1, type2 .... How do I do that?
I have used the max count option in the slug builder conveyor property. Attached the model for your reference. Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Hi @raja.sekaran, Thank you for your reply. Wow, I wonder why it didn't come up to my mind to check both Item count and Max count. Thank you so much!
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