
Cinar Tuncel avatar image
Cinar Tuncel asked Logan Gold edited

Clock Overflow Error

Has anyone received a "Clock Overflow" error message at patient arrival in healthcare model. As soon as the arrivals object creates a new patient, I received that error.

Saw that it was a bug in previous versions of FS (not HC) but not sure why it is happening here.

FlexSim HC 5.0.12
healthcareclock overflow
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Cinar Tuncel avatar image
Cinar Tuncel answered Logan Gold edited

It was due to patient speed = 0. Don't know how that happened but ...

· 1
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Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered Logan Gold edited

Dear Cinar,

I think when you put the speed value as 0, probably the time value will become infinite since the speed is zero.

Time = distance/speed

That could be the reason you are getting a clock over flow error.


Arun KR

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