
Cinar Tuncel avatar image
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Cinar Tuncel asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How to Split Transport Teams for Returns?

I'm working with a group of staff, an OR team, where they take the patient to the inpatient unit after the surgery process is done. Once the transport process is completed, I would like one member of the transport team to return the gurney back and others become idle (ready for next task)

But now, the transport team returns the gurney back as a whole. Is there a way to break up the team once the first part of the process is completed.

transportflesxim hc
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

You would need to split it up into two different activities.

The first activity grabs all the required staff, grabs the transport, moves the patient, and then releases everyone but the transport and the staff who will return the transport (in other words mark the staff and transport as being kept).

The second activity grabs the staff and transporter from the last activity (using the resource used in earlier activity pickoption) to return the transport and then releases them. Here you use a Move Transports activity and set the Staff Destination to the transport's group. You can do this either by directly selecting the transporter's group or by using the Resource Group pickoption to dynamically find the group of the transport. (Note there is a bug in this pickoption that I had to correct in the sample model I attached).

Here's an example model.

returntransport.fsm (120.8 KiB)
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