
Andrew Jovaras avatar image
Andrew Jovaras asked Sam Stubbs answered

Capturing Run Speed in Recorder

I have a billboard displaying the current simulation speed (i need this information to be clear in a recording featuring various speeds). This works fine while running the model, however whenever I go to record the video this billboard simply displays the maximum run speed, regardless of the speed at which the video is being recorded. So instead of "20 days per second" it displays "89478485.3 days per second". Is this a bug, or simply a side effect of the way the video recorder operates? Are there any workarounds or planned fixes?

FlexSim 16.2.1
video recorderspeedbillboard
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

How are you getting a reference to the model speed? Chances are you are having the billboard return the runspeed of the model as that variable is set IN the model. If you want the billboard to return the runspeed of Recorder's runspeed, you'll need to get a reference to that variable/node.

Something like this:

  1. get(node("/Tools/VideoRecorder>variables/outputs/Output1.mp4/default/speed", model()))

Where "Output1.mp4" is the name of whatever file you exported in your recorder.

This code will return a reference to the variable of your Recorder's runspeed instead of the runspeed you have set in your model.

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