
Sergio Gallegos avatar image
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Sergio Gallegos asked Phil BoBo commented

how i can use and configure the xbox controller in VR mode?

FlexSim 16.2.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

If the Xbox controller is turned on and connected to your computer when the 3D View is first opened, then it will automatically connect and control the movement of the camera with the controller. If you connected to the controller after opening a model, close and reopen the 3D view or the model in order for the controller to connect.

If you want to change what the controller sticks and buttons do, you can modify the FlexScript code in the node VIEW:/standardviews/documentwindows/Perspective>eventfunctions/XboxInput

If you want your changes to that node to persist when you close and reopen FlexSim, then you can make a module that replaces that node using the Module SDK.

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