Hi all!
I use a process flow ("Transportation Process Flow") in which the Task Executers are being pulled from a list at first, load and transport the items, and then are being pushed back to the list. The TEs are created using a process flow and are being pushed to the TE List to be used by the first process flow. The TEs are being created one by one and based on the on entry event on Item Ready list (on the queue).
I need that only the newly created TEs load and transport the items, until there are no TEs being created. and I want the TEs that returned back earlier get used again first.
To do so, I added a decide activity at the end of the process flow when it decides to send the returning TEs to a Temporary list if the number of created TEs are less than required (TEs are still being created). The TEs in the temp list then would be pulled out when the tokens (on the TE creation Process flow) start to go to sink. After being pulled out, they should be pushed to the original TE list. I put a Order by age DESC on the pull from list of the Temporary TE list so the TEs that arrived first get pulled first.
If no TEs are being created, then each returning TE gets pushed back to the original TE list.
The push back logic in my process flow doesn't work now. Only 3 TEs are getting pulled out of the Temporary TE list and the model continues using that only 3 TEs. I am also attaching the model you sent with the changes I made to the push back logic. Please let me know if you come up with any suggestions.