
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Axel Kohonen commented

Bug? Activity name + ID abbreviated to 35 characters in token trace profile


I am using the token trace history to create a report of what token has been where and how long. However, there seems to be a character amount limit (35 characters) in the token trace profile bundle that contains the activity name and id number so that if one has a longer activity name, then the bundle does not store the whole name. See the attached image and model tokentracenamesabbreviated-autosave.fsm where the name of the first delay activity is abbreviated.

Is it possible to get around this somehow or is it just as it is for the moment?

Thank you!

Kind regards,


FlexSim 16.2.1
process flowtoken trace
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Axel Kohonen commented

This is a bug. The trace history makes a new entry for each unique name it encounters. If the token comes to an activity with that name again, it adds more time to that particular entry. To avoid name collisions, the trace history uses the unique name of the activity, which is the activity's name and id, concatenated.

Unfortunately, the id is appended after the name. So if the name is too long, then the unique part of the name might occur after 35 characters (a limit set by categorical tracked variables, for their profile bundle).

In the future, the id will be placed before the name, a guarantee that each activity will get an entry in the trace history. You might not be able to see the whole name, but the trace will be accurate.

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