
sanaz karamimoghaddam avatar image
sanaz karamimoghaddam asked Sam Stubbs commented

How to assign down time on Process Flow activities?

Hi, Some of the activities in my process flow have a work schedule, meaning that they can only be performed during certain hours. How can I program this. Is there a way that I can use a time table for it?

time tablescheduled down
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

I would use a List to represent which Activities are active. Have any tokens that are utilizing that activity pull from a List (but check the box to leave entries on the list) Then have a Scheduled Source, that at the designated time sends a token to pull from the List (without leaving it on list) and Delay it for the amount of time equal to the "Down" time before pushing it back onto the list again. You can have this schedule repeat as well.

I've included a small example of how to set this up.


pf-schedule.fsm (23.9 KiB)
· 5
5 |100000

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