
DAVID GARCIA avatar image
DAVID GARCIA asked Rodrigo Lamas commented

Help with Breakdown

I need to schedule three half-hour breakdowns (30 min).

First breakdown: 6am

Second breakdown: 2pm

Third breakdown: 10pm

How can I do it?

I think it is using the "By Time of Day" function, but I don't know and I can't find the instructions how to do it in the user manual

Thank you very much.

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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Rodrigo Lamas commented

Hello David, you can set, for example the time in seconds all the maintenance indicators (FFT, MTBF and MTTR), but according your data I think that is easiest use a Time Table for your model. Please see the example bellow for your combiner using a time table daily repeat with your data. Then you can define the best Down State name for your down time. I hope can be helpfull. Regards!

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