
Ireneusz Kaczmar avatar image
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Ireneusz Kaczmar asked Adrian Haws answered

Roundabout in the new conveyor system

Hi everybody. This model I built in version 7.3.6 FlexSim and this ver. it's working correct. Could someone show me you how to rebuild the model in the new system of conveyors, for example in new FlexSim 2016/2017. Thx. Have you nice day.


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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
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Adrian Haws answered

First, welcome to FlexSim Answers!

There are many useful features and advantages of the current conveyor system compared to the legacy conveyors. As Matt mentioned, the best way to know how to use them is probably to go through the User Manual section on conveyors and experiment with them on your own. If you have questions about issues that aren't included in the User Manual or if you need a little more direction feel free to ask us a specific question and we'll be happy to answer it. Also, here are some useful tips for using this forum.

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