
slim tannoubi avatar image
slim tannoubi asked Jacob Gillespie answered

how to get shapes made in the flowitem


i created forms (flowitem bin) and saved them at the tool box normally

when i want to set a source with the created item i can find it normally but when i want to put a 3D shape on the trigger i cant find my item

how can i save it and find it. they told me that it must be at media files (shapes) but i cant find him there


FlexSim 17.0.0
1.jpg (583.3 KiB)
2.jpg (274.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
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Jacob Gillespie answered

A FlowItem is a object that uses a 3D Shape. Assigning a 3D shape is different than assigning a FlowItem class. I think you are a confusing the two.

What are you trying to accomplish?

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