
David Seo avatar image
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David Seo asked David Seo edited

About List Content - getstat() command...

I want to get the Entry Content of List.

So I searched the topic in this Q&A forum and found getstat() command of @Matthew Gillespie and @anthony.johnson and @Matt Long.

But the getstat(globallist("List1"), "Content", STAT_CURRENT, partitionID) do not get any return value.


FlexSim 17.0.0
getstatlist content
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered David Seo edited

The stat name you're looking for is PartitionContent. So the code should read:

  1. getstat(globallist("List1"), "PartitionContent", STAT_CURRENT, partitionID);

The Content stat ignores the partitionID parameter and gets the value from the list as a whole.

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