
Robin Brunner avatar image
Robin Brunner asked Phil BoBo commented

Problems with changing 3D Shapes of FlexSim Robot, Scaling problem

Hello Community,

I got a problem with changing the 3D Shapes from the original FlexSim Robot.

I watched this YouTube Tutorial from FlexSim:

"Customizing the Robot" and thought this will be an easy task.

Now I have done everything with my robot so far like the video describes, but when I reset my model the whole scaling and offset positions of my robot get messed up. I uploaded a YouTube Video so you can see what I mean.

It seems like every single Joint's Scaling and Offset from my Robot gets resetted to the original FlexSim's Robot's Offsets and Scalings.

Anybody know what to do?

Regards Robin

FlexSim 17.0.2
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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Phil BoBo commented


once you are finished with your work in the animation editor, you have to click the disk icon in the top right in the animation editor. It "Saves base position" for all components of the object modified. This is, where they will go back to when you click Reset.

Good luck


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Robin Brunner avatar image Robin Brunner commented ·

Thanks, that helped me a lot! My robot has now the right 3D shapes and Pivot Points. Under "Motion Path" and "Geometry" I can move every part of my robot properly. But the robot doesn't calculates the motion by itself. If I use "Joint Speeds" or "Define Move Time" the robot just turns around the "Joint 1 RZ Axis". No other Joint-Movement. Thought it will calculate all other Joint-Rotations like the original FlexSim Robot. Is there any solution for this?

The goal is to change the plant layout just by moving the Objects and then a new Travel Time for the Robot gets calculated. Further I want to use the Optimizer Tool for my Model soon.

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Robin Brunner commented ·

You need to follow the directions in the video carefully if you want the movements to work correctly: Animation Creator, Part 4: Customizing the Robot

Particularly, times 1:30 - 2:16 explain that you need to make sure that the rotations of each joint are correct in the 3D modeling software before you import the shape into FlexSim.

If you mess with the rotations of the objects in the Animator in order to position them correctly, then the robot's movement code that determines how to rotate each joint isn't going to work correctly.

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Robin Brunner avatar image Robin Brunner Phil BoBo ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you. The robot is now moving all of its Joints. But is there a way to change the degrees of freedom from the Joints and maximum and minimum range of motion? That would be great, because sometimes the robots rotational axis are not for all Joints the same like the FlexSim's robot.


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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Robin Brunner commented


you will have to send me the robot you built to find out, what is going wrong with it. You do have my email address.

Best wishes


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Robin Brunner avatar image Robin Brunner commented ·

Sorry, but I can't upload it, because it's copyrighted 3D data from my compaign. But I figured out how to get the robot move all of its joints. Thank you anyways. Regards

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