
Alexander Muff avatar image
Alexander Muff asked Alexander Muff commented

Separate Batches


In process flow, is there a way to separate tokens after batching?

For example, I have two parts that are batched for oven processing. After the oven, they are individual parts again. How do I get the parts back to individual parts?

FlexSim 16.2.2
batch processing
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Alexander Muff commented

@Alexander Muff If you change the # of tokens to release to the batch quantity you will still collect the batch but releases all entering items after they have batched, keeping all their labels and data

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Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton answered Alexander Muff commented

@Alexander Muff you can try using the Split and Join feature. Split the token at the start to create two parts then join them for oven processing then split again into two parts. 5443-batch-then-create-sub-model.fsm

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