
Pieter Cecat avatar image
Pieter Cecat asked Arun Kr answered

Release remaining items from queue at end of simulation time

Hi everyone!

I am batching for processing items from different queues on the the same processor.

However, I am struggling to find a way of releasing the remaining items from my queues (regardless whether batch size has been reached or not) at the end of my simulation period (3600 time units). I tried working with a delayed message after which the queues can open their ports, but I have already used triggers - and messages - for other purposes, which is why this doesn't seem to work.

Is there a way of naming a delayed message in order to trigger a specific action for a specific time event by referring to it by its name? Or how can I most easily solve this?

Attached you find the model I am working on. I am trying to release the remaining items from the 5 queues at the bottom (R_INV_Q1, R_INV_Q2 et cetera) at time 3601.


Pieter uncertain-quantity-quality-cores.fsm

FlexSim 16.0.8
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered

Hi @Pieter Cecat,

Create a user event with event occurrence time as 3601. Write logic inside the user event using flex script or process flow to release the flow items inside the queues at the bottom.

You have to use a loop and function like moveobject() or releseitem() to release the flow items downstream. This applies only if you want to release the flow items at time 3601.


Arun KR

5 |100000

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