I am wondering what is the best way to test the sensitivity of my simulation model with respect to total cost. I am trying to use the experimenter, but don't know if I am doing it correctly as it keeps on returning the same value for each scenario. My settings are as follows:
Three performance measures:
-> the total cost (= a cell in a global table)
-> the service level (= a cell in a global table)
-> the fill rate (= a cell in a global table)
As variables:
-> a cost table (= an entire global table)
As scenarios:
-> several alternative cost tables for the cost variables (generally 3 alternative tables containing costs). Is it possible to change a global table entirely without having to declare every cell individually?
As replications:
-> How many is generally sufficient to get reliable results for each scenario within reasonable time?
As export:
-> Save values of the three performance measures for every scenario to global table/graph
Please find attached the model. mean.fsm