Attached is my simple example, when I run it for 16 days, it shows this exception error,
Why is that?
When I increase the maximum occupancy at the different resources, still it blows up!
time: 15585.295240 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::executememberfunctionwithexceptionhandling() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientArrivalsMessageTrigger/node c: MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientArrivalsMessageTrigger/node thisClass: MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientArrivalsMessageTrigger/node time: 15585.295240 exception: Exception caught in flexscript execution of MODEL:/EDArrivals>variables/messagetrigger line 7 instruction 15. Discontinuing execution.
Thank you.