
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Matthew Gillespie answered

navigate in the model using touch sensors

Hi I was trying to navigate through the model using the Touch Sensor of Oculus Rift. The only thing I could do is to point the angle using the joy stick and jump to that angle. Is there ways to navigate like the Xbox controller that one can move, rotate and orientate in the model? Thanks


FlexSim 17.1.2
oculus rifttouch sensor
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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

From what I understand, travelling in VR is more like clicking on a spot and "jumping" to that spot. I'm not sure the reason, but I've heard people say that it does decrease the likeliness of motion sickness that way. I'm not sure the controls though, that's probably a question for @phil.bobo when he returns next week.

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

Movement in VR is an evolving concept that a lot of games and applications are still figuring out. The biggest issue is that most methods tend to cause a sort of motion sickness called Virtual Reality Sickness.

This article explains some of the considerations of movement in VR to game developers. To quote a section from it, poor VR movement can have:

the effect of confusing the user’s brain by having conflicting signals sent from the eyes and ears, it can cause the body to assume it has been poisoned, and thus a similar response is evoked - a rejection in the form of sickness.

To get around Virtual Reality Sickness, many games are currently using a teleportation system. This lets the user point to other locations in the game/model and then instantly teleport there. Motion sickness is avoided since the frame updates instantaneously and the body feels no sense of motion.

After researching this topic, the FlexSim developers decided to follow the emerging trend of teleportation-based movement. You can point to a spot in the model and rotate the joystick to choose the angle and then jump to that exact spot and angle. This is an efficient movement system that avoids all negative motion sickness effects.

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