
Shawn Murty avatar image
Shawn Murty asked Steven Hamoen edited

Different Operator for next task

Lets say I have operators 1-3 that all can work at stations 1-6. I have a dispatcher connected to all 6 stations. The part needs to move through stations 1-6 in order. My issue is this: how can the model tell operators they can't work 2 consecutive work stations?

For this example lets say operator 1 worked at station 1. I REQUIRE anybody but operator 1 to work at station 2.

Background: My company does not allow for an operator to do consecutive tasks of work without someone else checking their work. ex. Assemble 1 >> Inspection 1 >> Assemble 2 . Inspection cannot be done by the same operator who completed Assemble 1.

FlexSim 16.2.2
processoroperator assignment
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Mischa Spelt commented

@Shawn Murty This can be done very easily with processflow. When an operator is selected to work on a station, put a label on him with that station. In the acquire resource then just write a WHERE clause where that label does not equal the station and you are done.

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Shawn Murty avatar image
Shawn Murty answered Steven Hamoen edited

@Steve.hamoen Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I am too new to Flexsim for your answer to help me. If you had an sort of example that i could open up and use, that may help my cause

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