
Shawn Murty avatar image
Shawn Murty asked Steven Hamoen edited

Different Operator for next task

Lets say I have operators 1-3 that all can work at stations 1-6. I have a dispatcher connected to all 6 stations. The part needs to move through stations 1-6 in order. My issue is this: how can the model tell operators they can't work 2 consecutive work stations?

For this example lets say operator 1 worked at station 1. I REQUIRE anybody but operator 1 to work at station 2.

Background: My company does not allow for an operator to do consecutive tasks of work without someone else checking their work. ex. Assemble 1 >> Inspection 1 >> Assemble 2 . Inspection cannot be done by the same operator who completed Assemble 1.

FlexSim 16.2.2
processoroperator assignment
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Mischa Spelt commented

@Shawn Murty This can be done very easily with processflow. When an operator is selected to work on a station, put a label on him with that station. In the acquire resource then just write a WHERE clause where that label does not equal the station and you are done.

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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt commented ·

Or just Acquire the second operator, then release the first one.

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Shawn Murty avatar image
Shawn Murty answered Steven Hamoen edited

@Steve.hamoen Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I am too new to Flexsim for your answer to help me. If you had an sort of example that i could open up and use, that may help my cause

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Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen commented ·

@Shawn Murty Ok here is a sample model. If possible update to version 2017 and do the process flow tutorials to get acquainted with process flow. In this model the 3D objects are just there for animation. All logic is done through the process flow. Which also means it will be a lot easier to make extra process steps etc..

On the processors in 3D I switch off the "Convey items across Processor Length" and set process time to 0 other wise the 2 paradigms (3D and process flow) would interfere.differentoperatornexsttask.fsm

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