
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Omar Aguilera Rico commented

Picking with lists?

I have a problem with the model I attached. I want to simulate that according to the content label that has the TOTE and its type the operator will do picking according to the TYPE label; if the TOTE is type one you must pull the type one products that are in the rack according to the Content tab, which if it indicates 2 just pull two of type 1. How can I do that? pf-lista.fsm

FlexSim 17.1.5
process flowlistpicking
pf-lista.fsm (32.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered Omar Aguilera Rico commented

The problem is tokens are being left on the list when they are pulled during the the sub flow. That means when a parent token goes through the sub flow again to pull a second box (or a third, or a fourth, etc.), the "Jala de la lista" activity ends up pulling the same token over and over again. And that means the Operator ends up loading and unloading the same box over and over again. To fix this, I would suggest unselecting the option "Leave Entries On List" from the "Jala de la Lista" activity in the sub flow.

However, this creates another problem because the token that was pushed onto the list will immediately go to the "Elimina Token" activity and be destroyed when it is pulled from the list. The pushed token is destroyed before the puller token can finish the Ubicacion activity, so the puller token will try to reference a token that has been destroyed and get an exception. To prevent this, you will need to put a Delay activity between the "Empuja a lista" activity and the "Elimina Token" activity and set the Delay Time to 0. This makes sure the Ubicacion activity finishes before the pushed token is destroyed.

Another potential issue I noticed is the first "Jala de la lista" activity (the one not in the sub flow) doesn't have the "Leave Entries On List" option selected. I assume you are first trying to pull from the list to make sure the Tote is not moved to the Combiner until there is at least one box in the Rack. If that is not the case, please let me know. Otherwise, the token/box that is assigned to the pulled label will never be picked up and placed in a tote. So you should either select the "Leave Entries On List" option for this activity or adjust the rest of the activities so the box is loaded before another token/box is pulled from the list.

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