
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Sam Stubbs answered

Priority on what specific items to grab from a queue.

I want an operator to grab and process from one queue all the items that use the same tool before doing a setup changeover. I'm would like to use a label on a schedule source so I can manually determine what tool it is (lets say a tool from 1-4). The tooling priority changes daily that's the reason that I would like to use a label on a source schedule . How can I achieve this?

FlexSim 17.2.2
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

I would use a list. Push the items to a list with a label designating which tool the item needs, this could be the Type label. And when pulling the items from the list, grab all the items of a certain type by setting the requested/required number in the pull from list, and querying by the Type or tool label you set. (Make sure in your list that Label is a field that can be queried. If you use Type that field should be available by default.)

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