
Ana Ta avatar image
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Ana Ta asked Matthew Gillespie commented

AGV Sankey diagram


Does anyone know how can I have sankey diagram of an AGV on flexsim? I actually would like to have a map which shows how many times an AGV passes by a certain path. The more the AGV passes by that specific path, the thickness of that path on the map (sankey diagram) becomes larger.


FlexSim 17.2.2
agvagv pathsankey diagram
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hi @Ana Ta,

I made a Sankey diagram in FlexSim several years back and created a tutorial for it.

There are all kinds of warnings on that page about how this is complicated and the videos are old and unscripted. So anyway, you've been warned, again.

This tutorial was created before the AGV module and dot-syntax, so likely you'll modify for your own purposes. You'll make some changes for your situation around where you are gathering your data to graph. Probably you'll write data from the model using decision points on the AGV network, then refer to that data for the diagram.

Good luck!

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