
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Omar Aguilera Rico commented

FlexSim HC Problem with elevator use

elevador-2.fsm Hi good day. I am trying to perform the next simulation where the patient arrives, takes the elevator, goes up to the second floor to register, takes the elevator to go down to the first floor, where he then takes the second elevator to go up to the third floor to bed, then he takes again the second elevator and go down to the first floor to leave. The problem is that when the patient is on the second floor, he does not use the elevator but goes down the network of nodes, why should he do this and how can I solve it? Regards!

FlexSim HC 5.3.4
elevatorflexsim hc
elevador-2.fsm (104.8 KiB)
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

The code that calls the elevators is fairly simplistic. It basically checks to see if the elevator can take you to a closer node (in the z direction) than the one you are currently on. In your model the patient is already on the closest node to the bed upstairs that the elevator can take a patient to. There are two possible solutions:

Split the travel into 2 parts

If you tell the patient to walk downstairs first, and then go to the bed, he'll use the elevator both times.

Edit the code that calls the elevator

Each node connected to the elevator has some code on its OnArrival trigger that determines if the elevator should be used and then calls the elevator for the patient. You can open this code and modify it.

For example, in this model I edited the code on the node on the 2nd floor to assume that a patient will always want to use the elevator when they arrive at the node and want to get to another floor.

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Lou Keller avatar image
Lou Keller answered Omar Aguilera Rico commented

Hi Omar,

I've attached a zipped-up PowerPoint show that address just about all you need to know concerning construction of elevator models. Please take a look and tell me what you think!

My best, Lou

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Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

Hello Lou. Thanks for sharing the presentation. It helps me a lot to better understand the construction of a model with the use of elevators. Regards!

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