
Mohammad reza A avatar image
Mohammad reza A asked Mohammad reza A edited

how to make patients go to processors with different percentages

In my project patients after siting in waiting room one staff should come and get the to one of 3 representatives. 40% of the customers want to see the representative of Network Service, 40% want to see the representative of Repair Service, and 20% want to see the representative of Billing Service. how to make these percentages?

I will appreciate

if anyone could help me.

FlexSim 18.0.2
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Mohammad reza A edited

You need to use a Decide activity to route a token between different options. The Decide activity has a By Percentages pickoption that will do what you're looking for. I've attached a sample model that shows how I would build this kind of model without the People module.


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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

The People module would make this model even simpler and would improve a lot of the visuals too. We'll have the model limit issue fixed by the end of the month if you're still working on it by then.

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Mohammad reza A avatar image Mohammad reza A Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you very much for your kind help. It solved my problem. the only thing that I need to perform is to add a promotion service desk since Some of the customers also see the Promotion Service after they have finished their servicing with the representatives of Network Service, Repair Service or Billing Service.

I understand that this is the same procedure as before you kindly helped me. But it again reached it's limit and I can not add any extra process flow element to it. I have to provide the report by Monday and so I have little time to wait for the software update.

Any help will appreciated.

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Mohammad reza A avatar image Mohammad reza A Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

And the other problem is when I want to put a red staff to escort customers to the desks, customers are not waiting for the staff to come and escort them, they will go to desk by themselves. Also escort person object also is not available there. sorry for my frequent questions...


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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Mohammad reza A commented ·

You need to make the people wait until the staff is ready to help them. You can do this by tying the staff to a resource and making each person acquire that resource. The token will wait on the Acquire activity until the staff becomes available. See the attached model.


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