
Noah Z avatar image
Noah Z asked Phil BoBo edited

Multiprocessor Breakdown Tab?

On the multiprocessor properties window there is no "Breakdowns" tab like the processor properties windows has.

Is there a reason for this?

I'd like to add a couple of time tables to my multiprocessor and it looks like I can add the Multiprocessor to an already created time table via the dropper.

Additionally, I know I can manually cause the Multiprocessor to go to a breakdown state via the following code:

stopobject(node("MODEL:/MultiProcessor1"), STATE_BREAKDOWN)
FlexSim 18.0.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

You can add any FlexSimObject (including multiprocessors, task executers, fluid objects, etc.) to a time table or MTBF MTTR object.

The Processor and its subclasses (Combiner and Separator) just happen to have a tab on their Properties window that shows which MTBF MTTR and time table objects they are connected to. The Breakdowns tab is a holdover from when the Processor class handled breakdowns; that functionality is on the FlexSimObject now.

The Breakdowns tab is just for convenience; any object can be stopped and resumed.

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