
Jeff Kaczmarczyk avatar image
Jeff Kaczmarczyk asked Kari Payton commented

Close / Open input port

A flowitem in my model can get processed at either M1C1 rough or M1C2 rough and then needs to be processed at M1 spectrometer.

Once a flowitem enters M1C1, I want to close the input of M1C1 and not allow another flowitem to enter until the first flowitem has been processed at both M1C1 rough & M1 Spectrometer and passes back thru M1C1 and out to Tested drive queue.

I cannot get the closeip logic to work. Any suggestions?


lrt-sim-040418.fsm (16.9 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton answered Kari Payton commented


I suggest using process flow. See the example attachment. @Jeff Kaczmarczyk

1. Create source, enter zone and create object. The zone limits to only 1 item at a time processing.

2. Move object to the processor. Wait for process to finish. Move to next processor.

3. Repeat until the item has visited all processors that you want and then exit the zone.

procflowexample.fsm (25.2 KiB)
· 4
5 |100000

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