
Marc B avatar image
Marc B asked Joshua S commented

How to Send or Pull more then one itemtype


I have to send or pull flowitems based on their ItemType to specific Processors

Prozessor1 should get ItemType 1 or 2
Prozessor2 should get ItemType 1 or 2
Prozessor3 should get ItemType 3 or 4
Prozessor4 should get ItemType 3 or 4

I was not able to program that or in to the Pull Requirement. How can I do that?


FlexSim 18.1.0
send to portpull requirement
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Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Joshua S commented

@Marc B

I have attached the model with the changes.

You can specify the item types in Array of ItemTypes.

Hope this works for you



capture1.png (41.4 KiB)
marc-support.fsm (20.3 KiB)
· 2
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Marc B avatar image Marc B commented ·

I have an additional question to the array solution:

If I prefer to control the flow over the output (send to port), how I have to write the code?
I tried this one, but it doesn't work:

Object item = param(1);
Object current = ownerobject(c);

Array port1 = [1, 2, 3];
Array port2 = [4, 5, 6];

int condition = /** \nCondition: *//***tag:expression*//**/getitemtype(item) == 1 || getitemtype(item) == 2/**/;

return condition?port1:port2;

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Marc B commented ·

One way to do this is to push the items onto a list and partition them by type, and then have your ports pull from the list by partition ID.

Hope this helps.

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pic1.png (16.2 KiB)
pic2.png (22.0 KiB)
Emily Hardy avatar image
1 Like"
Emily Hardy answered Emily Hardy edited

In order to pull from two different Types, you can use the pull requirement "Range of Item Types" and set the limits to 1 and 2, or 3 and 4.

I've attached your file with these changes made. I also removed the sorting processor, as the processors can pull directly from the queue. Hope this helps.


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