
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Julio R commented

ExpertFit to create more than 5000 distributions!

Hello boys! You can give me some ideas on how I can optimize the use of Experfit to read the data in columns of an Excel file, and the distributions according to the column I write it in a Global Table. Like all this is generated automatically, by means of a code. I have to generate a distribution for each timestamp for more than five thousand activities. If I do this manual, it will take several days to do this, so I ask you if there is any code that can read the Excel information according to each column, and each column would represent an activity, so I would have to write that information in a Global Table or an Excel file.

If you do not understand me, tell me and I try to expand a little more so that it is clear.

Thank you!

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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Julio R commented

To my knowledge, ExpertFit does not offer any mechanism for automate its inputs beyond what's in its user interface.

However, you can automate Windows UI interactions with programs like AutoIt.

You may be able to automate the steps you are performing manually to automate the input of all this data from Excel to ExpertFit.

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Emily Hardy avatar image
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Emily Hardy answered Omar Aguilera Rico commented

Unfortunately there isn't a way to do this using ExpertFit, but you could try to use another distribution fitting software for this, such as Stat::Fit or the fitdistrplus package for R.

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