
Andrew J3 avatar image
Andrew J3 asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Items not properly pulling from list


Our team is exploring new options for our hiring process as it relates to a new building and process changes. I am attempting to place incoming personnel onto a list in order to batch them for the orientation process. it appears that my personnel are getting on the list, but my pull from list step isn't executing properly. Any suggestions the community can provide would greatly be appreciated!! Attached is the aforementioned model.

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

The Orientation List is inside an instanced Process Flow and its type is set to Local. This means that each Applicant is creating their own list.

You should move this part of the model logic out of the instanced flow and into a general flow since it's logic that depends on multiple applicants and isn't tied directly to a single applicant.

The other option is to set the List's type to be global, which will fix the list issue such that there's only one list for all applicants. But you'll still have an issue with the Source activity right before the Pull From List creating a new pulling token for every applicant.

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Andrew J3 avatar image Andrew J3 commented ·

Matthew is it as easy as simply placing the list activity by itself on a general flow? Or should I introduce a sub flow activity in my instance PF and place the sub flow activities on a general PF?

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Andrew J3 avatar image Andrew J3 commented ·

hr-building060718-upload.fsm @Matthew Gillespie I have moved my push and pull logic to the general process flow in order to align with both of your suggestions. I did find that the source was creating too many tokens during my pull effort on the instance flow. I have attached my new model, but now the items are not pulling from the list at all? Please advise and thanks in advance!

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Andrew J3 commented ·

The push and pull logic is working fine, the issue is with the subflow. Since you're using a Run Subflow activity, the person's token waits until the child token finishes in the subflow. But there was no way for the token to get to the finish activity, so the subflow was never finishing.

Take a look at the edits I made to your model. I got rid of the Delay in the General Applicants flow and moved it into the Orientation general flow. I also added an Acquire, Walk, and Release activity so that a staff member will walk over and give the orientation. I did this to demonstrate how I would build a model like this. Most of your model is built around having each individual person control their flow in the model. However, at the Orientation step their flow is controlled by the global Orientation process. So from the view point of the person's flow they turn control of their flow over to the global process. The Orientation process waits for 30 people to show up, then brings a staff over, gives them a presentation, and then lets them all go back to their individual tasks.


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