
Gesa R avatar image
Gesa R asked Jordan Johnson edited

Excel Interface: problem with identifying text starting with "E"



I have a problem with the excel interface for importing tabels.

I have a table in excel with 5 columns. The first 4 with numbers and the last one with text (declared as such in excel). The text is a combination of letters and numbers like: P22, AE3, EF1, E20, E21.

I use the automatic import and everything is fine except the text E20 and E21. There FlexSim decided that it is a number (0). I can't even change the cell in FlexSim to text.

Thank you for helping.

FlexSim 18.0.3
excel importtextautomatic
test.fsm (18.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson edited

If you are only importing text or numbers, try the Values Only (very fast) data distinction option. I suspect it will work better in your case.

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