
Visakh Sakulan avatar image
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Visakh Sakulan asked Isaac Litster edited

AGV drop-off order sequence

Hi. In the model attached I'm using an AGV to deliver items to 2 queues using "pull strategy". At model start you can see that the AGV first drop off item at Q2 and then goes to Q1. How can I create priority for Q1 so that the AGV will drop off item in Q1 first.

Also I want to send item with destination label -"Q1" to first queue and label value "Q2" to second queue.


FlexSim 17.2.2
Choose One
agvpull from listpull strategypriority
model.fsm (26.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Isaac Litster avatar image
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Isaac Litster answered Isaac Litster edited

You can switch the position of the queues with each other, rename the queues, and then fix the connections. This will make it so that the AGV will drop off the item in Q1 first and then to Q2.

Let me know if this resolves the issue.

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