
Robert Pelle avatar image
Robert Pelle asked Jordan Johnson answered

Memory and Dashboard issue with some patch Windows 7 PCs

I am on Windows 7 SP1 and IT threw some automatic Windows and .NET patches last week, and a model that we have been running with minor input changes started hanging, with issues with memory climbing to consume all system resources as well as issue with Dashboards. This was the same on another Windows 7 PC, but a similar PC seemed to work fine as did a PC running another on Windows 10. Issue cannot be traced to a unique patch (see attachment) and to remove variable of model, I made the basic tutorial model and added a couple of dashboards and they threw many exceptions and the model would consume all memory.

We are standardized on 18.0.3 long term version and I removed and reinstalled FlexSim but problem is still recurring. I am thinking of upgrading to 18.0.5.

Any reported issue with Windows or .NET patches reason to believe upgrading version will help? Thanks. windowspatchissue.xlsx

FlexSim 18.0.3
system problems
· 10
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

In the model you have posted, the flowitem bin is missing. The crash is caused because the Source is trying to create an item, and it cannot determine which item to create.

Do you have any guesses on how the flowitem bin was destroyed? It should be present in every model. When you start a new model, is the flowitem bin still there?

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