
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Phil BoBo answered

Bug in Excel import tool ?

I'm importing an excel file into a Process Flow DateTimeSource table. However after removing lines from my Excel table and re-importing the table, the same lines I removed from the Excel table keep reappearing in my Flexsim table. It's as if Flexsim is not even looking at the Excel table and just puts the same data in the table that it probably had in a buffer somewhere. I've deleted the lines from the DateTimeSource table, restarted Excel and Flexsim, pressed Import Tables and redid all this 3 times and the same things always reappears in the table. I verified that the excel file name is the right one. I'm using Excel 365 on Office 10.

FlexSim 18.1.1
excel import
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

I can't replicate the issue. It seems to be working fine.

See the attached model and excel document.

If I open the Excel document, delete a row, save the document, close Excel, then import the Excel book into FlexSim, it removes that row from the DateTimeSource activity's table.

Here's a video showing it working fine:

Please post an example model and excel file with step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate the issue you are having.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

Very sorry for the delay in coming back to you.

I'm not sure why I was having the problem but I don't anymore. I think it happened when I chose a Data Distinction method other than Automatic. Now it's on automatic and everything works fine.

Sorry for bothering you with this weird thing.

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