
HUNGKUAN W avatar image
HUNGKUAN W asked HUNGKUAN W commented

Can I have an event-trigger source listen to two events at the same time ?

I mean , I want the token to be created only if the two events both happened .

Is it possible ?

FlexSim 18.1.1
event triggered source
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered HUNGKUAN W commented

To wait for both events to fire, you should use two activities, and a Synchronize or Join activity:

The Synchronize waits for one token from all input connectors, and then releases those tokens. In the attached model, I made it so that the operator waits for a box in two queues before picking them up, and dropping them off:

I used "step" while making this video, to get the boxes to show up faster.

Here is the model: waitfortwoevents.fsm

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