
Songwit S avatar image
Songwit S asked tannerp commented

How to build a logical transport model.

Version: FlexSim 17.1.6

I want to build a model so that the car will go out to get the raw materials that companies plan on each week. How can I create this model?

For example

Week 1: Truck 1 moves from factory to company A (load) ----> Company B (load)----> Return to factory (unload)

Week 2: Truck 1 moves from factory to Company A (load)---> Return to factory (unload)

Truck 2 moves from factory to company B (load)----> Company C (load)----> Return to factory.(unload)

I am a beginner for this program.

Thanks for the help.

FlexSim 17.1.6
transportation modelmilk run mdel
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran answered

@Songwit S

I have attached the model. In that, I have defined the destination and load quantity to each arrival as the pic below.


Based on the Dest and QtyToLoad label, Transporter will travel to their destination and load the qty. Hope this is helpful.



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