
Songwit S avatar image
Songwit S asked Songwit S commented

How to make a task executor load more than 1 item at a specified point.

12925-test-transportation.fsm Modeling in process flow. The problem is. The truck runs as scheduled, but it loads one piece at a time

FlexSim 17.1.6
transportation model
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David Chas avatar image
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David Chas answered Songwit S commented


You can use an array to identify the three objects that you want pick.

I attached a model that loads one box per queue.

I hope this will be useful for you!

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David Chas avatar image
David Chas answered Songwit S commented

Hi!! @Songwit S

You only have to change the parameters in the "batch" block, for example if you change the property "Group By" from token.identity to None the tranporter loads the first three boxes created by the group.

But you can choose any other strategy to make the batch.

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